Sunday, April 17, 2011


I have mixed feeling about Sundays.  I love love love church and worshiping God.  I love my church too!  There is no way to describe the feelings that arise when I just close my eyes and hear the people of God lifting their voices in worship to Him!  I love singing the songs every week and praising God with music.  My church is awesome.  One of the things that I love is how much our church is always reaching out to the community and people in need.  This Easter, they are giving away over 1,000 pairs of Nike shoes to people who need new shoes.  They are washing those people's feet, giving them new socks, and new shoes.  Wow, what a testimony!  What a way to give the gospel!  In John 13, the Lord gives us great example--He washed his disciples feet.  How humbling!  To have the Master and Lord of the universe wash your feet!  He looked at His disciples when He finished, and asked them if they knew why He did it.  Verses 14 and 15 give us some words to think about--If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.  Something to think about!

My other feelings about Sunday are a little different, and yes, I feel guilty about them, ha!  My kids schedules get so messed up!  Our nursery is good...sometimes I think too good, because this happens:  He sleeps.  And sleeps and sleeps and sleeps.  But that's ok.  It's totally worth it to get to worship God!

Here's my challenge:  if you don't have a church, find one!  If you have one, get involved!  There is nothing like serving God and worshiping Him.  There is nothing like hearing people praise Him.  Trust me: you will be blessed!

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