Freedom? Umm, this is Easter, not the 4th of July you may say. Yes, freedom! Think about it. I was bound by chains of sin. I wasn't free. But then I asked Christ to be my Savior and take away my sins, and I was made free. And that couldn't have happened unless the price was paid for my sin. And that is why Easter is my favorite "religious" holiday. Christmas is great, don't get me wrong, but the reason that Jesus even was born was for one reason: to die for my sins. But the way cool part is, He didn't stay dead...He rose again! I know there is alot of controversy about when Jesus died...personally, my family has always believed it was either Wednesday or Thursday. My opinion now, however, is that it really isn't that important as long as you remember and celebrate what happened three days later! HE AROSE! How incredible is that?! I mean, how many people do YOU know who have risen from the dead? Personally, I only know one. And He's my best friend, my Savior! It doesn't get any better than that!
This year, I am really trying to focus on sharing this amazing story with my 2 year old. She's a smart cookie, and I know that she may not understand everything, but I can plant the seed. She needs to know early on that yes, we get pretty dresses and bows and candy on this day, but that's not the real reason we celebrate this awesome day. It's because the Lamb of God took away our sin, and HE'S ALIVE!
well written my daughter!