Well, Thursday Caleb and I celebrated our fourth anniversary! My, how the time flies! It seems like yesterday we were in school, sneaking as much together time as we could in between study time (although I probably should have spent more time in the study department!). My mind goes back to that beautiful day in May when I promised to love him forever. Yes, I remember almost everything from that wonderful time, but most of all, I remember the look in his eyes as he promised to be my protector, lover, and friend. And I will be the first to tell you that he has kept that promise! He is such a blessing to me...although there are times I want to wring his neck, I love him so much more today than I ever have. He has given me everything I have dreamed of, and more! Two years ago, he bought me a house for our anniversary (we closed 4 days before!), he has given me three wonderful children, and he has showered me with so much love, it hardly seems real! Please let me go back in time a little and share this wonderful day with you!

This is my sweetie when he saw me for the first time that day. He is so handsome! The blue roses are an entirely different story, one I will probably share one day!
One thing that I love about my wedding day was the fact that I was not nervous at all, everything was in place, and if it wasn't, I didn't care! I was marrying my best friend, and nothing in the whole world would take that joy from me! We were able to laugh and talk and just enjoy the day together! It was so relaxing to know that at the end of the day, no matter what happened (or didn't!) we would still be married!
I will never ever forget the love I saw in his eyes as we gave each other our vows. Just seeing him there in front of me, ready and willing to be there for me my entire life, touched me in a way that I can not even begin to describe. How thankful I am for this wonderful man God has given me! He has blessed me more than I can describe by putting Caleb into my life. I am a better person because of him!

And the kiss...yes, the kiss. I could not leave this out, of course...being as it was the first time either of us had kissed anyone, that made me a little nervous...but I had nothing to fear...it was as wonderful as I had ever dreamed it would be! And yes, he timed it. 9.7 seconds. He is proud of that. The photographer had time to get at least 5 pictures of "the kiss"...something he said he does not get that often.
And here we are, the newly married couple. I think this is my favorite picture of the two of us. Mainly because I love the look on his face. Sheer determination. He is ready to face the world with his new bride.
Man, I love him so much! Yes, we have had our ups and downs (sometimes it seems like more downs than ups), but God has been faithful, and I wouldn't trade these four years for anything in the world.
Caleb, I love you so very much, and I am so excited to see what God has in store for us!