Today marks one year that this goober has been with us! I cannot believe how much she has added to our family and how much I have learned since she has been born! She is such a joy with her big, beautiful blue eyes and infectious smile. She is adored by her big brother and big sister, and she adores them right back! She is ever watchful of them (which is scary to me), and is content just to sit and watch all the activity going on around her! She is getting to be a super fast crawler and is starting to walk around the walls and the furniture. Kenna Roo, we love you so very very much, and we are so thankful that God blessed our family with you!
This month we have three birthdays in one week's time! Our youngest niece Keilah was just born on the 3rd, Kenna's birthday is today (the 6th), and Pawpaw's (Caleb's dad) birthday is the 9th! Then daddy's birthday is the 26th! So we are busy busy around here (while trying to close on two houses and move!)
Times like this, when I am so busy with everyday life, it is so important to just sit back and observe all that God has blessed is with each and every day! It is amazing to see how our lives have changed in the seven years we have been married. All I can say about that is I'm so glad I said yes!

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