Ok, this is a hodgepodge post! I have been literally running around like a chicken with my head cut off the past few days (weeks, months, years?!?) Between making sure Brianna has what toy/show-and-tell/swimsuit she needs on what day she needs it, to getting the mounds of clothes ready for the consignment sale to making sure my family eats (and has clean clothes!), I have been one busy momma! Yes, I get stressed (alot), but I seriously love my life!

Let's see, where to start...my kids are...fun. Yeah, we will use the word fun. My dearest Carter ADORES his big sister, and she ADORES him right back! They have me on my toes pretty much from the moment they wake up to the moment their sweet little bodies fall in bed asleep. For example, this afternoon my dear hubby told our sweet girl that she could play with a sheet of stickers...no problem, right? I was innocently reading my book, when I looked over and saw my adorable little boy covered in neon stickers. He was staring at them, probably wondering what in the world his AMAZING big sister was doing to him!
Yes, so it is consignment season again...I think the trend is to do every other sale. There is this amazing sale in my town 4 times a year. The
Lullabies and Mudpies consignment sale is awesome. The people are awesome too! I can get all my kids clothes at the right seasons, at great prices! Well, this is my 3rd time consigning, and this is the most I have done. My house is a wreck, with piles of clothes all over, ha ha! But the end is in sight!
Well, this was longer than I planned, and I have so much more to tell, but alas, it is late and I have to get the house ready for the bug guy to come tomorrow! Such is my life!
Isn't it sweet when they love eachother? your kids look so sweet!