Now, the main thing about this post is to tell about the cool thing I do for my kids that is super easy, and healthy! I make their baby food! It is (surprisingly) fun, easy, and I can honestly say that I would eat it (except the texture kinda gets me, lol)...I was brave. I tasted my kids food before I gave it to them. And BLEH! Nastiness! So I researched it a little and discovered that making my kids food myself was WAY easier than I thought! Here's the scoop. Find whatever food you want your baby to eat first (Here is a chart as to what to give first) and then cook it (example: sweet potatoes, I bake them), pop it in a blender with a little water, and then voila!, it's done! Now, so you don't have to do it every day or whatever, here's a trick I learned--freeze them in ice cube trays! Once they are frozen, you can pop them out and put them in a plastic bag and store in the freezer! Sooo easy! And tastes good too! Wholesome Homemade Baby Food is a great website to refer to...
So all this to say, I may not be the all-natural supermom that some of my friends think all moms should be, but I do what I think is best for my kids, and that's all that matters! Don't dis a mom who doesn't do things the way you think they should be done. Instead, look at what YOU are doing with YOUR kids, and know that it is what is right for you!