I feel that this needs to be said, and I feel it needs to be said BEFORE election results are in tonight. Be aware November 9th.
Be aware of your speech to those around you after hearing the results of the election.

If the results ARE what you wanted, be aware of gloating and saying "I was right, you were not". The people who may have voted differently from how you voted are proud of their stand. Even if they did not win, it was THEIR opinion, and that should never be shot down. God is sovereign above all. His plan is higher than ours. Be kind. Show love.
Always remember that through it all, you should be pointing to ONE--Jesus Christ. He cares more about your love for others and your testimony of Him than any election. Be aware of how your words could cause someone to turn away from the Gospel. God is sovereign above all. His plan is higher than ours. Be kind. Show love.
God used many wicked people to cause His plan to go into motion. This election is no different. He can use ANYONE. He can use a liar, a murderer, an adulterer, a thief, an individual with no regard to life, a person with "no filter". He can use a saint, a sinner, a Christian, or an atheist. Do not underestimate His power.
God is sovereign above all. His plan is higher than ours. Be kind. Show love.