Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

I have been writing and re-writing this over and over, so I have it just right and so it has the right tone (but I know SOMEONE is bound to get offended...we are human after all).  That is NOT my intention at all, and I have tried to word this as graciously as I could.  The past week, I have opened up my Facebook and all I have seen is article after article of why Mother's Day is so terrible for people.  Listen, I get it.  I really do.  But think of how it can make a mother feel...

To the child who has lost a mother, I don't know how you feel.  I still have my mother and I thank God for her every day.  But I can see how this day could be hard for you.  It's okay.  It's okay to have a rough day and be sad and miss your mom.  But use this day to honor her memory.  Thank the Lord for her.

To the mother who has lost a child.  I DO know how you feel.  I have been there, and yes, it hurts.  Yes there is pain.  But I say to you, rejoice in the few precious moments you had with that child.  From the moment you knew that child was coming in your life, you are blessed.  You are a mother.  Nothing in this world will ever EVER change that.  Celebrate that.  And again, it's ok to be sad.  I admit, when I found a moment alone yesterday, I cried.  I cried for that baby that spent just a few short weeks on this Earth.  But I thanked God as well for that memory, and that hope that I will see him again.

To the woman who longs for a child, but does not have one.  I feel for you and although I will never know that longing, know that I pray for you.  I cannot imaging how difficult that is, and how many tears are shed.  I can see how this day will be hard for you.

In all these situations, yes, it is hard.  But I will be honest with you, seeing all those posts and the negativity (and yes, hurt) made me feel very guilty!  I am not even CLOSE to supermom, but this was a day where I felt appreciated by my family.  It is also a day where I could show my appreciation to MY mother.  Seeing all those articles started to make me feel guilty for having children, instead of being thankful and grateful to God for those blessings.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this, and this verse came to my mind: Romans 12:15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.  There is one day out of the year that those who are mothers are honored....and it is by their children.  I don't honor myself.  I honor my mother.  If my children choose to honor me (and one day they will understand this day and truly show that honor) then I am so blessed.  When I turn my focus off of myself, it makes me have such a new perspective on this day!  Serving others is one of the easiest ways to get a blessing!

I guess the point of this is to say that it is okay to feel bad.  But let's take the focus off of ourselves and honor those around us who do the difficult and rewarding job of motherhood.  I know that is something that I am CONSTANTLY trying to do...less of me, more of others.