My sweet hubby sent me a pin the other day for teething biscuits. I took one look at it, laughed, and said "ain't nobody got time for that!" You see, as much as I love cooking and baking, I HATE rolling out dough and cutting cookies...blech. But we have this HUGE amount of baby food that she really won't eat, so I decided, why not...and I'm glad I did! (You were right, dear)

Homemade Teething Biscuits
1 cup all purpose flour (I use unbleached)
1 cup baby cereal (for this recipe I used Gerber multigrain)
1 container stage 2 baby food (for this recipe I used Gerber apple banana strawberry) or 1/3 c mashed bananas, applesauce, or any puréed fruit or veggie. I am going to try a sweet potato one next!
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
3 Tbsp. water
Preheat oven to 425°. Mix it all up and knead slightly to get it mixed really well. Roll it out to about 1/2" thickness and cut into your favorite shapes. Bake for 10 minutes or until slightly browned. Cool and let the munchkins enjoy!
Note: This "cookie" has been approved by my crazy, curly headed 3 year old...and of COURSE the human disposal loves them. I will update once the all-knowing 5 year old tries them! YES, I did try them, and while they are bland and you can tell there is baby cereal in them, they actually aren't that bad!