In February, our little man turned a year old! Time flies so much, and he is growing up to be such a fun little guy! He is so loving and sweet, and we are finding out more and more every day that he is seriously smart!
Another highlight this year was how well Caleb has done in his job! He has moved up so quickly and is now a Jr. Loan Officer! I am so proud of him. He works so hard and he loves (I think) what he does! We praise God every day for giving him this job!
August was a big moment for me, as I started a new job...stay at home mom! I was VERY nervous about leaving my library job, but God has provided for our family so much more than I could ever have dreamed! I have really enjoyed being with my kids and seeing them grow and change each day!
September was a very exciting month in our family as our big girl Brianna started school! She loves it so much, and I cannot believe how much that girl is learning! She can read some three letter words, and recognizes all of her letters. She can count pretty high (she has at least made it to 40!) and knows so many facts about the most random things!
With me staying at home, I have been trying to build my jewelry business as much as possible. We have had a few craft shows, and we are slowly getting our name out! (Shameless plug for Emerald Coast Boutique inserted here) We recently had a HUGE blessing when we were asked to put a product in a local Antique Shop!
We also expanded our little family this year and adopted a sweet little miniature dachshund named Chloe. She is a sweet dog, and great with the kids!
In November, our sweet girl turned 4! I seriously feel like she was born yesterday! She is the spark plug in our family, and is rarely quiet! She is gone right now with her grandparents on a trip up north, and let me tell you it has been so QUIET this week! I miss her so much! We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming.
Probably the biggest event this year was the news that our family would be growing again! This one is sure to be a fireball (like the other two aren't, lol). We feel so blessed that the Lord has given us another child to love and raise. Pray for us as we have to find room for this little one in the house and the car! We know God will provide, and we are excited to see how He is going to do it!
There have been MANY more exciting things happen this year, but honestly, the year has flown by so fast I can't remember it all!
I hope that anyone reading this will have a wonderful and prosperous 2013!